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Happy boy

We are in the middle of our 2017 Smiles for Life Campaign!? For those of you who aren’t?t familiar with Smiles for Life, you? will be happy to know that each year from March 1 through June 30, our office donates 100% of? whitening proceeds locally and globally? benefit children. We’re so excited to announce this year we have partnered with Women?s Foundation for a Greater Memphis (WFGM) as our local charity.? Fifty percent of proceeds go to children?s charity benefitting the LaRose Elementary School Uniform Program. The program is part of an initiative by WFGM for the Vision 20/20 Strategic plan to reduce poverty in zip code 38126, one of the poorest zip codes in the city.

Women's Foundation

It’s exciting for us that half of the money that is raised will stay right here in our own community! Our goal this year is to raise $30,000 and with the help of our patients and community, we know we can make it!

As many of you are aware, our office joined with several other dental offices from around the country and participated in a mission trip to the Dominican Republic in 2015 We served over 500 patients. This was all possible only because of the generosity of our patients who whitened their teeth during our 2015 Smiles for Life campaign.? We will be participating in another trip to the Dominican Republic this November, and we are beyond excited.


(Garth Brooks showed up in Nashville this year as an official spokesperson for the Smiles For Life Charity)

At the annual Crown Council event, this year in Nashville, TN, the team of Dr. Cooley and Dr. Vick was awarded the Smiles for Life Top Office for 2016.? We raised over $28,000 and were awarded for having raised the most money per team member of all participating dental offices around the country. This is the second year in a row that we achieved this! In 2016 the local non-profit we donated to was Bridges, USA. We were able to present Bridges, the USA with a check for over $14,000.

Group of people

Another benefit to having a bright, new smile and helping underprivileged children is your donation is 100% tax-deductible.? So you get a beautiful new smile, your donation is tax-deductible, and the children benefit.

Group of children's having fun

In celebration of reaching our halfway goal, on May 4th, 2017 from 4:30 to 6:00 we will be? Drenching the Docs!? Those that have participated in our whitening campaigns can come and have a chance to drench Drs. Cooley and Vick with water balloons, super soakers and more.

Please?call us? today at 901-754-3117 to schedule an appointment or to make a donation. We serve the Greater Memphis area, including Collierville, Memphis, East Memphis, and Germantown, TN.

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